A Big Milestone: Project Update, The Monster Hunter Logs are Finished!

Well Strewth, today marks an amazing day.

For anyone who isn't aware, in my journey to get fully into game development, and forge a path into the industry, here's what I've been doing for the past two months.

I've been doing a huge deep dive into video games, films, and all that sort, and this morning, I finished, what I can only describe as the toughest self-written assignment I've ever undertaken.

Monster Hunter was a huge part of my life growing up, and the team that develops the world, creatures, ideas, then brings all that together, in cohesion, in a game that is made to be enjoyed by thousands of people whether it be for the simplicity of the combat, or the depth of the world, are probably some the most talented individuals in the industry.

Today, what I've dubbed as "The Logs", is now finally finished, and its a heck of a resource I now have at my disposal.

Over 65,000 words, all written from the perspective of myself, and broken down in terms of design and animation.

There are also screenshot of the media that the creatures appear in, as well as concept art that isn't easily found, and really gives you some insight into how much work goes into these monsters.

But it will also be a resource everyone will be able to use! I need to do a few smaller things, but I'm going to try to make this a free resource everyone can use.

As Covid-19 has made life harder for all of us, and having a thing like this that can be used should hopefully inspire people who are feeling a bit worn out to reignite their creative flame, and keep pushing themselves!

I'll pop some links to a few smaller posts below, but these are only a few small Logs instead of the full 110+Logs.

This was done in aid of a project I've been doing with Rachael Holyhead, to create a dragon based on the moon from concept, to final product.

So I can't thank her enough for having incredible patience with me, as well as making suggestions for this to be an easier resource to use for a creative.

But I do have to also say a huge thank you to Capcom, for making such an incredible world, and I've gotten the privilege to grow up alongside it over the years.

That being said, thanks a ton for giving this a read, and I'll do another post once I have everything ready for a full log list, for people to view, use and hopefully enjoy.

Have an awesome day!


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