Lunar Creature Creation: Behind the Scenes
Okay! So at the moment we are working on concept art for our creature which we have yet to name, however behind the scenes, we're prepping our library for the future, and we want to create an asset library which we can access quickly, whenever we are working on a new project.
So I'm going to break this down for you.
Basecamp Main Page |
As of this moment in time, we're doing our work on Basecamp and communicating through channels such as Messenger, holding meeting through Skype, and creating objectives in Basecamp, to stay on track to our tasks. So this is our current workspace, and seeing as Covid-19 is very prevalent, we're trying to create a way of working efficiently online when we can.
My main task at the moment, until we have a 100% final design, is to build up our visual library via means of real life influences, games, films, stories, et cetera. So as of late, and seeing as we're working on a creature design, I'm taking Monster Hunter, its main cast, and breaking them down design-wise, principle-wise, symbolism, and get as much concept art as I can that went into making these creatures.
We have lots of folders, which undoubtedly, will turn into even more folders. |
So when a design needs to be elaborated upon, I'll find a source to go read and break it down so it can be easily understood in design terms. Using the wiki for Monster Hunter has been a really simple way of getting information, but also doing some digging across a lot of places has helped ensure I can put as much work in as possible for each post, so we have more influences to pull from whenever generating an idea.
So the following two images would be what is typically be in one of these files, and whilst some information may either not be 1000% accurate to either the source material or the game/film/idea, enough information will be put in so someone can take a quick look at what the file/design is about, and it can be downloaded nice and fast for either personal or project use.
Gogmazios Text Breakdown |
Minor Image Collection |
The whole idea of this is building for the future, and whilst we have all this time to kill for now, we're working hard to make sure that when we do showcase what we can do, we will be able to show where we came from, and what steps we took to get there.
I'll finish off with a little bit of art from myself and Rachael, these are some early studies into the creature we're looking to create, so thank you so much for reading, and have yourself a fantastic day!
Mayft | Head Early Dragon Studies [1] |
Mayft | Head Early Dragon Studies [2] |
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